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European Cultural Diversity: Finland & Flanders

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F@F-project (2000) between Sipoon Lukio (Finland) and Tienen College (Belgium)

Kari Jäppinen

Bart Voets

I think that Bart is an active and athletic nerd like me. Loves food and plays with computers. 1 picture tells more than 1000 words so I think that I'm going to wait Bart's picture.

I found the e-mail project very interesting and now I know more about Finland. There's a high standard of living although most foreigners think that it's a country where people don't know computers. I also learnt to use the internet and e-mail.

About my e-mail partner: his name is Kari. He's 16 years old. He's interested in computers( so am I ) and he likes to read books about warhistory. His dad is in the army so that explains a lot. He's got 3 good friends. After high school, he wants to join the army. I think he will be a great colonel!