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European Cultural Diversity: Finland & Flanders

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F@F-project (2000) between Sipoon Lukio (Finland) and Tienen College (Belgium)

Maria Seppänen

Koen Vancauwenbergh

My impression of Koen is that he´s a very social guy and likes motorcycles, spending time with his friends and skiing in winters. He’s very polite, friendly and patient. He has just become a godfather for a baby girl named Lien. He’s fun to write with and I would certainly want to continue writing with him. I think that this project has been very useful and I have been enjoying writing with Koen and getting to know him and his country.

I must say that this project was a good initiative. Sending e-mails to someone out another country has different advantages. You are using English in a pleasant way and you learn to know somebody. Maria is a very friendly person and she always wrote me back. I learned that Finland isn’t that different compairing with Belgium. This project was therefore a succes and Maria belongs now to my select group of e-mail friends.