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European Cultural Diversity: Finland-Flanders

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F@F-project (1999) between Sipoon Lukio (Finland) and Tienen College (Belgium)

Riikka Tuokko

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Katrien Sterkendries

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Katrien was born in 1982 and she lives with her parents and her brother who is a student in Leuven.

Katrien practises athletics and I got the feeling that she is good at school. I think that she wants to be succesful in her life.

Katrien likes home-evenings watching television but she also likes going out with her friends.

I really enjoyed our writing to each other and I hope that we can continue it in the future. 


Riikka Tuokko was born in Finland on 31st December 1981.  She lives  in Sipoo with her parents and her sister and brother.

She likes sports (especially volleyball), listening to some music and hanging out with friends.  She's a very active girl who's always doing something. Education is very important to her.

I got the impression that, if we ever met in person, we would get along just fine. She might even become a good friend!