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European Cultural Diversity: Finland-Flanders

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F@F-project (1999) between Sipoon Lukio (Finland) and Tienen College (Belgium)

Anna Räike

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Thomas Hendrickx

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I think that Thomas is propably a very nice boy. He has short brown hair and blue eyes. His weight and hight I haven't even asked, but I guess that's not so important.

I like Thomas because he likes pretty much the same things as I do. He likes to read, have fun with his friends, practice sports and most important, he likes music. He said himself that he is a sport-freak, and I don't think that is a bad thing at all. And I also think that Thomas must be a very patient guy, because he hasn't complained even once when my letters have been so late.

From Thomas's letters I got the picture that Belgium isn't that different from Finland. It's a quite small country and it's beautiful and people are friendly. Just like here in Finland. The biggest difference might be that in Belgium there are three main languages. Here we have only two. And of course there is propably many cultural differences, but I think that finnish and belgian people would get along just fine.


I got a very good impression of Anna. She seems to be very active in her daily life. She hasn't got one hobby but she does a lot of things in school and outside her school. I loved reading the letters she wrote. They were real good reading material. I'm always looking forward to receive a letter from her. Finland seems to be a very nice and peaceful country. I'd like to visit it one time.  Anna seems to be a very nice girl, I think our letters were fun to write and read because we have a lot in common.  I hope we can keep on corresponding with eachother, not because it's an assignement for our schools.  I learned that Finland is a great country, I'd love to go there sometimes.  I guess the European countries aren't that different at all.