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European Cultural Diversity: Finland-Flanders

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F@F-project (1999) between Sipoon Lukio (Finland) and Tienen College (Belgium)

Jouni Naumi

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Evy Goris

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I think Eef is a very nice and friendly person and I knew she would become a good E-mail and regular (Iīm not sure if thatīs the right word) friend, because already in the first letter she wrote that we should write about stuff thatīs not involved with school....

Well, what else could I say about her? She's humorous and I really love her first name, itīs cool.

Oh, and finally, Sheīs really got to join our band, we could use a good flute player.


My partner is a seventeen-year-old boy from Finland.He has two main hobbies.One of them is music.He plays the drums ,the bass and he  sings.He also likes to read books (most of all he likes fantasy).

He lives in Sipoo,near the capital city Helsinki.

His family consist of his mother Maija,his father Pekka,his big-brother Hannu and his big-sister Heli and he has a cat named Dingo.

In Finland it's cold in the winter and warm in the summer.Lapland is something you have to visit in Finland. There are a lot of lakes.

He seems to be a nice guy and I think he has a lot of fun.