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European Cultural Diversity: Finland-Flanders

finflag.jpg (1812 bytes)      Impressions       vlaleeuw.jpg (4836 bytes)

F@F-project (2001) between Sipoon Lukio (Finland) and Tienen College (Belgium)

Pekko Nikkanen

Vanessa Vande Borne





In the beginning I was really excited about the project. 
But I was disappointed when I didn't receive a letter back. Actually I don't know more about Finland then when I began. I hoped to learn about their culture, their way of living, the climate,...
I wrote letters with people in Australia, England, ... and everytime I was suprised that living in another country can be so different from living in Belgium. Therefore this project is so interessting, and hopefully the
contact between our school and the school in Finland will remain for a long time.
