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European Cultural Diversity: Finland-Flanders

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F@F-project (2001) between Sipoon Lukio (Finland) and Tienen College (Belgium)

Ilkka Salento

Elke Polleunis





At first I wanted to say that I was very excited when I heard that I had to write to someone in Finland. Writing to someone that you hardly know seemed very great, but at the same time I was frigthened, because I had never written an e-mail before.Luckily, everything turned out fine. In the first letter, he wrote about his hobbies, his allergy and his taste of music. When I was reading his first letter, I had a good feeling about him, I can't explain it. 
I have even seen pictures of his cat and dogs on his own website. Ii liked writing to him despite the fact that we always had to write about a specific thing.The only thing that bothers me a little bit is the fact that Ilkka waits a very long time before he replies to my letter. I still haven't received his third letter.
I think that the writing project to Finland is a very good idea. I am a very shy girl and I don't talk much, because often I don't know what to say. But when I was writing those letters, the words just flow out of my pen, I
didn't need to think about them.So, I am very greatful that this project has given me the chance to write to someone that I didn't know at all and to get to know him.

Thank you.

