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European Cultural Diversity: Finland-Flanders

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F@F-project (2001) between Sipoon Lukio (Finland) and Tienen College (Belgium)

Antti Ikonen

Emilie Kinnaer





From the first moment I was really enthousiast of this nice project, but I was also disappointed in it very soon. I don't know what turned wrong, but I have had almost no contact with my correspondent.
First of all, there was a mistake in Anttis adress (Antti is the name of my correspondent). And when I was finally able to write him, he only wrote me a really short e-mail back. 
I didn't gave up writing him, but he never wrote me back, so I stopped trying after the third letter.
Probably I was just unlucky with the choice of the correspondent. I really tried to make the best of it.
The fact that I'm disappointed doesn't mean that I don't support the project. I still believe it's a nice idea and it's a chance to get to know other people from a different culture.
