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European Cultural Diversity: Finland-Flanders

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F@F-project (2001) between Sipoon Lukio (Finland) and Tienen College (Belgium)

Ossi Rautavaara

Elissa Betrains





My parter's name is Ossi Rautavaara, unfortunately he doesn't have iternet at home, so we couldn't mail very often. I asked him to send me his impression, but he didn't answered me back.

Although I still learnt some interesting things about Ossi and his country; Everybody has got a sauna at home, which is very normal in Finland. They mostely eat raw things: fish...and they also have "Finnish Fish Pasty" It's a sort of round bread, filled up with fish. ( Weard taste they have in  Finland!)

In winter, snow covers the land and houses, in summer the wheater can reach 20 degrees. In Lapland, the winter takes longer than in other areas. 

Ossi likes to play the drums and loves archery, he is also very iterested in music too!

I think the project gives us a geat change to get to know people from all over the world!

Elissa Betrains