
Project "Fairy Tales in Europe"
Mon. 25/02/ - Friday 01/03/2002
O.L.Vrouwe-instituutBroekstraat 31
3300 Tienen
Fairy tales are borderless. They are a part of the cultural and historical heritage of Europe. Fairy tales bring to life fundamental cultural themes in a way that is both direct and popular.
Modern fairy tales play on the ancient themes and emotions: good and evil, rich and poor, smart and stupid, high and low, love and hate, they are all represented.
Fairy tales have to be told. Through word, theater, dance, music, etc., we want to familiarise the students in a playful and active manner with the characteristics of fairy tales.
We compare fairy tales from the different participating countries in terms of content, theme, elaboration, moral, etc. We make a fictitious journey through Europe, with fairy tales as our guides. Each country has its own version of Little Red Riding Hood, Sleeping Beauty, Snow White... The students narrate, play, act out in their own language
Especially in these difficult times, a modern fairy tale can make us aware of our worries, our fears and our apprehensions for the world of the 21th century, so young still and already so deeply shocked.
The emphasis lies on creativity.
We divide the students into workshops/ateliers under the guidance of teachers (both from Tienen and from visiting schools).
The guest students work in the same groups as their hosts.
The various workshops choose their various approaches and elaborate them in a creative manner:
for instance, theater, pantomime, music, collages, pictures, music. All activities are recorded on video.
Moreover, we keep a personal diary or log in which we write every day and which we illustrate with pictures, drawings, texts from friends, etc.
In Tienen the project will appear as a separate subject on the final reports of the students. The students will be evaluated on committment, at home as well as abroad, how well they took care of their guests, their active participation during the course of the week, and on their diaries or logs.
Time schedule
25/02/02: |
at 12.00u exactly we offer lunch to all of our guests we kindly ask all of our guests to keep in mind the starting time on Monday and the final time on Friday in planning their trips. You are welcome to arrive on Sunday and stay with us until Saturday. |
the afternoon is dedicated to getting acquainted: each school has a booth to present
itself: the school, the region, the country, etc.Please bring some materials:
pictures, flags, leaflets, and especially one typical regional delicacy. |
26/02/02+ Wednesday 27/02/02: |
are creative days: we work in the workshops/ateliers |
28/02/02: |
cultural trip to another city (Bruges? Brussels?) |
01/03/02: |
morning: rehearsal afternoon from 13.00: apotheosis presentation of our fairy tales we finish all together at 16.30 |
One evening we go bowling, another evening we go to the movies in Leuven. Working
Dutch, French, German, and English.
We ask our guests to have at least a passive knowledge of one of these working
The host students get acquainted with their guests through e-mail, by letter and make practical arrangements about which materials to bring (clothes, music, texts, etc.).
At noon our lunches together reflect one guest country each day. Schools who are willing to lend a gastronomical hand are assured of our deepest
gratitude. Coordinates
B- 3360 TIENEN
phone: 00-32- 16/ 81.14.09
fax: 00-32- 16/ 82.23.61
website http://www.viatienen.be/college/ contact person website: Hans Meurrens,
E-mail: hans.meurrens@rocketmail.com project
Lut Vanden Abeele
E-mail: lut@skynet.be director:
Hendrik Frederickx
E-Mail: hendrik.frederickx@skynet.be
Accommodation options in Tienen and surroundings
I. Hoevetoerisme ( Farmhouses and rural tourism)
< 10 km Tienen
From 100 till < 250 € / midweek or week/ guestroom, house or appartment:
www.hoevetoerisme.be II. Hotel:
Categorie: standaard-dubbel/ standard double < 65 € (prijs per kamer/ rates per room)
Alpha Hotel *** ( standaard )
Leuvensestraat 95, 3300 Tienen
Web: http://www.alphahotel.be
E-mail: info@alphahotel.be
Tel: 078 16 36 89
Fax: 016 82 24 54
< 10 km
Buiten Verwachting
Pastoriestraat 92,
3370 Boutersem
Tel: 016 73 52 90
Fax: 016 73 53 09 > 10 km
Hotel Arconaty
Sint-Truidensteenweg 61,
3350 Overhespen
Tel: 078 16 13 21
Fax: 016 78 85 02 Bremberg Centrum
Bremberg 1, 3053 Haasrode
Tel: 078 16 56 84
Fax: 016 40 34 22 Categorie: Luxe-dubbel > 65 € (prijs per kamer/rates per room)
Vandenschilde NV ****
Doolhofstraat 1
3300 Goetsenhoven
Tel: 016 80 29 11
Fax: 016 80 29 00 Alpha Hotel *** ( Luxe )
Leuvensestraat 95, 3300 Tienen
Tel: 078 16 36 89
Fax: 016 82 24 54
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