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English teaching module (upper intermediate and advanced level) stimulating students to
learn autonomously while exploring Internet resources and to efficiently pass on
information to others so that communicative group learning is achieved.
Number of lesson periods
6 (5 lessons + one period for testing)
"We can go wrong in our minds, but what the blood feels, and believes, and
says, is always right." (D.H. Lawrence)
A lot of D.H. Lawrence's literary work, his personal convictions and philosophy can be
interpreted as a reaction against the rationality and hypocrisy of the Victorian Age,
which led to tragical social injustice, misery and unhappiness even in upper and middle
class families.
Industrialization, a produce of the mind, doomed labourers' families with long working
days for men, women and children. It changed beautiful countryside into polluted areas
dominated by black plummets of smoke. It forced workers to come and live in unsanitary
housing estates (cités) in the shade of mines and factories.
Victorian morality showed more interest in outer appearances, in good manners and
respectability (constructions of the mind again) rather than in love, in authentic living
guided by feelings and instinct.
Apparently, our time is dominated by the mind as well. Modern education is mainly a
training of the mind, logic being presented as the one and only way to a prosperous and
happy future for everyone. Modern artists (Escher, optical illusionists) question this
attitude, however. They show how easily the mind can be fooled... and thus echo D.H.
Lawrence's life motto, as quoted above.
Students are expected to study Victorian values, to find underlying rational principles
of the class society in education, fashion, architecture, art, ... Students will discover
how D.H. Lawrence rebelled against these principles, just like some modern artists react
against the rationality of our present time. Bridging different school subject domains
(history, literature, art) students are expected to get a global view on an era in western
civilisation and to widen their cultural horizon.
- Social history: the Victorian Age
- Literature: D.H. Lawrence (Odour of Chrysanthemums)
- Art: Escher, optical illusions
- Net-search and reporting
- Interpretation of a literary text
- Interpretation of visual art
- Linking research results
- Composing a common informative document
Equipment needed
- hardware: PC-network with Internet-connection (and printer in case the final document
won't be edited in HTML)
- software: browser and word-processor (ev. HTML-editor)
Questions, reactions and feedback may be sent to Karel Van Rompaey |